5 Best Low-Sugar Salad Dressings, According to Dietitians

Avocado oil is heart-healthy and used in Primal Kitchen's range of salad dressings.

Primal Kitchen Ranch

Many dressings use a lot of sugar to make them sweet, but this one balances the

Mother Raw Japanese Dressing

sweetness and umami flavors with just 2 grams of coconut sugar and sesame oil.

Mother Raw Japanese Dressing

We also adore that each serving of this one only has 50 milligrams of salt.

Tessemae's Organic Classic Italian Vinaigrette Dressing

A great option if you want a herbaceous dressing but don't want to add a lot of calories to your meal is Trader Joe's Green Goddess Dressing.

Trader Joe's Green Goddess Dressing

You may also give your salad or dish a good, substantial, healthy fat boost by using avocado oil as the main component.

Chosen Foods Avocado Oil-Based Lemon Garlic Salad Dressing

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